WAPRE Quality Policy

Wireline & Production Equipment is committed to continual quality improvement and to meeting our customers’ requirements. We are committed to continually improving the effectiveness of the quality management system through compliance with ISO 9001 and API Specification Q1.

Customer satisfaction is enhanced by using quality objectives that are measurable and have targets for improvement. The QMS establishes a framework to facilitate the formation and review of quality objectives through the following:

Management Reviews
Internal and External Audits
Feedback from Clients and Employees

Wireline & Production Equipment is committed to produce products that meets customer requirements. The quality of our products are controlled through the purchase of quality material, inspections and quality control procedures. All personnel that impact quality are required to familiarize themselves with appropriate documentation and implement the policies and procedures in their work. Wireline & Production Equipment’s Management is committed to compliance with API Specification Q1, ISO 9001, applicable industry standards and best practices.

The quality policy is communicated to employees to enhance their understanding of how they impact the company’s quality management system. Employees at every level have a responsibility for the quality of their work as part of the final product we offer our customers. Employees at all relevant functions and levels of the organization are empowered to participate in the continual improvement of the quality management system to maintain its effectiveness. This policy is reviewed for continuing suitability.


Wireline & Production Equipment Int.
3639 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy, Suite 200
Lafayette, Louisiana 70503

Phone: (337) 989-2287
24 Hrs: (337) 781-3781